Difference between maps (The United States, The Word and Peters World Map)

In Human Geography today, Mr. Schick said that today was going to be a catch-up day and that we spend the class just catching up our work from his class and if we are done doing everything in his class we can work on other things for other classes.

Map A was The United States and it had a scale on it and different colors to see the different states and it showed routes, rivers and lakes. It was labeled with the state, some cities and some capitals. The map was also by the National Geography.

Map B was The World map and it had a scale and a legend and it also had a compass. It was labeled with the countries and some places on the countries like cities and capitals. The countries were different colors so that we could see them better. The oceans were labeled as well.

Map C was the Peters World Map and the countries were different colors and had a written scale. The countries were labeled and the oceans as well as some cities, capitals and places in those countries. It also had some information on the bottom of the map about like the map and things.


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