Demographic Transition

Today in Human Geo, it's our first day back from Thanksgiving break and Mr.Schick gave us a packet to read about Demographic Transition. The definition of demographic transition is a process of change in society's population from high crude birth and death rates and rate of natural increases to a condition of low crude birth and death rates, low rate of natural increase, and higher total population. 

The first stage of demographic transition is low growth. 
  • Very high CBR
  • Very high CDR
  • Very low NIR 
Most of the human history was in stage 1, but today no countries remain in stage 1. Countries are at least in stage 2. 

The second stage of demographic transition is high growth.
  • High CBR 
  • Rapidly declining CDR
  • Very high NIR
Rapidly declining death rates and very high birth rates produce very high natural increase. After 1750, Europe and North America entered in stage 2 as a result of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution which involved major improvements in manufacturing goods and delivering them to market. 

The third stage of demographic transition is moderate growth.
  • Rapidly declining CBR
  • Moderately declining CDR
  • Moderate NIR
The CDR continues to fall in stage 3 but at a much slower 


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