
Showing posts from January, 2020

Post Test

Today in Human Geo we just took the test and I feel like I did okay on it but I wasn't too sure about some the questions and I couldn't remember what I the answer was. I also kind of saved myself because the answer was Papua New Guinea but it didn't say that, it said like a country north of Australia and I put the fertile crescent because I didn't see that answer. But after I finish the test before turning it in, I made sure that everything was answered and I went back to some of the questions I wasn't too sure about and I reread that one and I changed my answer because I read it again and I realized that it didn't say Papua New Guinea but it was referring too it. There was like I feel like a lot of trick questions on this test.

Reviewing for Guns, Germs and Steel Test on Wednesday

Today in Human Geo we finished the last like 10 minutes of the National Geographic Video about Guns, Germs and Steel and we took some last notes about it. Throughout the video Mr. Schick would pause or stop the video and talk and get more deep about what they were saying. He would also tell us what to write down and tell us and give us hints if that question or note would be on the test. One of the things I definitely remember from the video was the question that Yali ask Jared Diamond. "Why you white men have so much cargo and we new guineans have so little?"

Monday 1/13/20

Today in Human Geo we watched more about the video on guns, germs and steel. I was absent last Thursday and Friday and we probably watched more of the video, I have to check but I got some more notes today. We have a quiz Wednesday, so I'm going to study and try to get a good grade on this to help with my grades right now in this class. Today we took more notes and Mr. Schick would pause the video and talk about it and if we didn't understand it then he would talk about it even more or maybe talk about it in a different way to help us understand it better. Today I learned that there are 14 animals that were domesticated, which is when humans are in total control of them (breeding, feeding, everything). But I'm going to go over my notes and tomorrow we are supposed to talk more about guns, germs and steel and talk about what might be on the test.