
Showing posts from November, 2019

getting our quizzes back

Today in Human Geo we got our quizzes back that were about the five religions that we learned in like two days. I got a 71% on it and I definitely could have done better but I'm happy with what I got because I feel like if I didn't study for a little bit I definitely would've gotten a way worse score than I did. The numbers I got wrong for the test was 3 and the question was "their writings are collected in the Vedas" and I said Buddhism and the right answer was Hinduism. Another question was 12 and the question was "along with Buddhism, its followers believe in reincarnation" and I said Judaism but the right answer was Hinduism. Question 16 was "along with Buddhism, this is NOT an abrahamic religion" I said Judaism and the right answer was Hinduism. Question 18 was "over 87% of Indonesians practice this religion" I said Islam but the right answer is Buddhism. Question 22 was "Of these five religions, this is probably the oldest ...

post quiz on five religions

Today in Human Geo we did our five religions quiz. We only had like two days to learn about it and understand it. I studied throughout bible which was like the last part of the class. Then when he test came, it felt like everything just blanked and I felt like I was starting forget everything. I studied a little bit the day before but I didn't spend too much time on it. So I studied a little bit more in religion after we finished the lesson that we had today. But I felt like I did good for the 2 days that we learned about the five religions. Definitely could've done better though.


Yesterday in Human Geo we started talking about world religions. (not done yet)

Post test

In Human Geo today we had a test today that I didn't study for because I forgot about it over the weekend. But in the beginning of the class Mr. Schick gave us the first 10 minutes of class to study real quick before the test, which thank goodness because I study with Logan and he gave me some questions to test me and he would tell name the wrong answer if I said the wrong answer. Which was really really helpful because when Logan told me the right answer and throughout the test I remember what Logan was telling me and what he said if I got something wrong. So hopefully Logan didn't give me false information.

Reviewed for the test on monday

Today in Human Geo and today we were going over population and settlement. We went over the slides and Mr. Schick made sure that we understand it and if we have any questions that we should ask now so that we can understand. Then Cici was saying how Mr. Schick should scream because everyone was tired and we all just looked tired. When we were in the middle of talking, Mr. Schick screamed and made everyone jump and Tom jumped so high in his chair. It looked like he was going to fall off or jump out of his chair, I have never seen anyone jump so high in their chair before.

Reflection of the Presentation

Today in Human Geo Mr. Schick gave us this mod as a free period. I feel like I did ok on the on the presentation. But I feel like I could have done better than I did. I was looking at the board too much when I was presenting and I felt that I was reading off the board too much. I think next time I should bring a index card or a stickie note with me, with some notes and bullets on them so I know what I need to say and if I forgot something. But on my actual slide that I made I feel like I did a good job and I did good on the slide.


Today in Human Geo we were presenting our presentations about our countries. I feel like I did ok, but I also feel like I could have done a lot better. I felt like I was reading off of the board too much and I think I didn't really make eye contact with the audience. I also think I should have written a couple of notes on an index card to help me refresh my memory if I forgot to mention something. Next time we present I'm going to make sure that I write a couple notes and not read from the board and make eye contact with audience.

reviewed 1/4 of the exam questions

Today in Human Geo we were talking about getting a pop quiz then we said no and instead we went over some of the questions that would possibly be on the pop quiz that we will do probably tomorrow. So as we were going over some of the questions and Mr. Schick was just picking random people to answer the questions and he called on me one time and I didn't know the answer and then he asked me like 2 other questions after that to see if I could make up the wrong answers I was giving. Then after that he called on other people and then went back to me and then after that he told us that we just went over/talked about a quarter of the questions that were on the exam that we are going to take.

reviewing yesterday

Today in Human Geo class we came in and talked for a little and Mr. Schick was trying to help a few students with their blogs, so the rest of the class was talking and we just hung out until they were done with the blog issues. But yesterday Mr. Schick wasn't here at school so we had to make a paragraphs thing for him about like population and migration thing about review that. Then today we are allowed to have like a free mod when we work on our blog or do other homework for other classes or get work done or study for tests or quizzes that we have.

In class population assignment

-Top five most populous countries: China with 1379.3 million; India with 1281.93 million; United States with 326.63 million; Indonesia with 260.58 million and Brazil with 207.35 million. You would think that China wouldn't be the first one at the top of the chart because of how that country only allows one child per parents, so you can't have like siblings unless you pay extra for that sibling. Also, it's not like that every parents are going to be able to pay to keep their other children but they may not have the money to do so. Which kind of surprises me that China is near the top. Population growth rate in the United States: 0.8% (2018 est.)  In the United States the estimated growth rate in 2018 is 0.8% and this surprises me because you would think it would be higher with all the babies being born even though there are some not living until their 1st birthday but you would think there are 329,256,465 people in the United States you would think with all those people a...