
Showing posts from September, 2019

Grids and Time Zones

Today in Human Geography we turned on the lights for like the first time today and we even wrote with the lights on for a little. But we talked more about grids and time zones and last week we talked about latitude and today we talked about longitude and how the latitude lines are called the parallels and the longitude lines are called meridians. Mr. Schick also told us that we have a quiz tomorrow about labeling the countries and I need to study a little more then I think I will be fine.


Today in Human Geography we talked about situation and how it is the location of a place relative to other places. Many locations are important because they are accessible to other places. Mr. Schick asked us how would we tell someone where John Carroll is if they were from like China or some place. Like if they have never lived in Maryland and they have just moved to Maryland and they want to know the directions to get to John Carroll. We would have to be specific and give them directions with a lot of details, because if they haven't lived here before or never have been here before you can't just say or it's like 15 minutes from Bel Air High School they wouldn't know where Bel Air High School is because they haven't been here before.
Today in Human Geo class we talked about maps a little bit more and countries around the world. We started talking about how Mr. Schick doesn't really like crabs because he was born and raised in Chicago and he wasn't raised or been around people who usually ate crabs. He likes them just it's like not his top food but we were all shocked when he told us that because we are raised in Maryland and crabs is like part of Maryland style. So he tried to make us understand what he was like when he went to a crab feast and ate crabs for the first time. He explained it something like this, that imagine that you were from Maryland and coming to live in Chicago and you go to a squirrel feast or something and they have boiled squirrels with their fur and tail and eyes everything on and in the squirrel just boiled. Now, we take a knife and carve all the fur off of the squirrel and then the eyes and organs, then they started eating the brain (which we don't eat crab brains) and when ...

North America and South America


Going over the test

We went over the test that we took about The Message to Garcia and Excellence and turns out I did better than I thought I did. I got an 84% and I thought I got like an F or something like bad. We just went over it and I spelled Denali wrong, I spelled it like Donoli. But I got one point instead of two because Mr. Schick understood what I was talking about but I just spelled it wrong. Then on the test I forgot what one of the reasons why Socrates was getting charges against him, the first reason was that he was "corrupting the minds of the youth" and I don't remember the second reason.

Difference between maps (The United States, The Word and Peters World Map)

In Human Geography today, Mr. Schick said that today was going to be a catch-up day and that we spend the class just catching up our work from his class and if we are done doing everything in his class we can work on other things for other classes. Map A was The United States and it had a scale on it and different colors to see the different states and it showed routes, rivers and lakes. It was labeled with the state, some cities and some capitals. The map was also by the National Geography. Map B was The World map and it had a scale and a legend and it also had a compass. It was labeled with the countries and some places on the countries like cities and capitals. The countries were different colors so that we could see them better. The oceans were labeled as well. Map C was the Peters World Map and the countries were different colors and had a written scale. The countries were labeled and the oceans as well as some cities, capitals and places in those countries. It also had some...


Today in Human Geography I saw a hornet in class and was scared, but Mr. Schick hung up 3 different maps in the front of the room and told us to make observations of them and we had to be specific. We spent like 10 or 15 minutes observing the maps and then after we started to talk about them and what we saw and what we noticed. Later Mr. Schick told us some stuff about what he knows about maps and he answered the questions that we all had. That's pretty much all we talked about and about 3 students had to take the test about the Message to Garcia  and Excellence.


Today in Human Geo we did our test about Garcia and Excellence. I did not study and I feel like on some parts of the test I did fine but then on most of the test, I feel like I failed and got it wrong. I like having the multiple choice questions because then it helps me remember what we were doing and what we were talking about because when I look at the answers it kind of helps and refresh my memory. But I feel like on the essay parts of the test i feel like I definitely failed those parts. I remember what we talked about for most of the test and the sections, but I just didn't remember some of the things on the essay part and I forgot the second reason Socrates was accused so I just put down "I don't remember. (drawing a blank)." If I would have seen it in like a multiple choice question I feel like I would have remembered but I just drew a blank. But overall I think I did okay, but still think I failed, I am kind of in between like I already know some the questions...


Today in Human Geo, we get assigned seats and I like my seat, but then we just started talking about what we did yesterday and what slide we left off on. We kept talking about excellence and democracy and how in 508 BC was when democracy first happened. Then we went over some other things, something were a review from yesterday but some of it had more information than the other ones. So we copied what was on the board and the other information that was on the board. That is mainly what we did for class then we talked about 9/11 for a little in the beginning and then Mr. Schick talked about what we knew about 9/11 and how his student's was in 9/11 and her father died.


Today in Human Geography we did some note taking today about Areté and Socrates and those things. We had to look up somethings and learn about it. We talked about philosophy and Mr. Schick was talking about his dog, Stanley, and how his dog doesn't know that he is going to die someday. Which by the way made me very sad but it was true and we talked about when Mr. Schick was a young boy who one day thought about how he was thinking about thinking about thinking. But we mainly did a lot of note taking and learning about ancient Greece and how Scorates died. He was bing accused of "refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state" and of "corrupting the youth" and if he was found guilty his penalty was death. He was then poisoned and died from the people who were in charge.
Today in Human Geo we talked about how back then the teachers were allowed to hit the students if they were to misbehave or act out in class. Most parents back then were even in agree of this if their child was to act out. Then we talked about how nowadays teachers aren't allowed to hit or smack any students or the teacher could get fired or if parents decide to press chargers of something. Next, we then talked about A Message to Garcia  and wrote some more notes about the passage that we didn't get or have. After, we talked about writing and taking notes and how that we should learn that we shouldn't write word for word when given notes, that you should shorten it so that you don't miss any of the other notes. Lastly, for the remainder of class we had like 12 minutes left and we are talking more about the shorthand symbols and blogging about what did today.

Wednesday's Blog 9/4/19

We talked about high school and the difficulties of being in high school and what is different from middle school to high school. We were talking about how people are changing, physically and emotionally, and how your body is changing because of puberty. We also talked about the difficulties of high school and some people said like learning classes, lockers, and stuff, etc. When we started talking about what's different from middle school to high school, some people said different classes, they aren't the same until the cycle starts back up. Others said like we get free mods and we get 6 of the one classes (math, geography, biology, english, etc.) out of the whole 8 day cycle. We have different floors and not only that but how our classes aren't just on 1 floor, they are scattered throughout the school. Adding onto that the floor aren't separated by grade levels, so it's not like the 1st floor is freshman and the 2nd floor is sophomores and the 3rd floor is for juni...
Today in Human Geo, we talked about the passage A Message to Garcia  and the way the author Elbert Hubbard wrote this passage is like it was from decades ago, like the 1800's. Today we talked about the way he wrote this passage and what he was trying to say throughout the passage. He would word the passage like it was in the 1800's, for example, "By the Eternal!" Which eternal means God, but instead he used eternal. The passage was really confusing in the beginning because he used names that we didn't know who these people are and what their background is or what the reason was that they are in this passage. Later on, after reading the passage we learn that the passage was trying to prove something, that people will make excuses and complain about their job and this passage was basically a test for Rowan. It was in the middle of the Spanish- American War and Rowan was asked by President McKinley to go and find General Garcia and Rowan passed the test and did what ...
The best part of Day 1 is that I get to see my friends that are in my class and meet my teachers. The worst part of Day 1 is that my classes are spread out and I have to walk up and down the stairs and that I don't get to see some of my other friends. I like my seat because I'm still near some of my friends but I'm also making friends with the people around me that I don't really know. I also kind of don't like my seat because I'm not near all my friends but I'm not complaining because I can make more friends.